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The Poetry of Nature

We liken our creative process to the interval between seed and timber. It’s detailed. It’s gratifying. It’s nurturing. And most importantly, it gives back to the earth that gave it life. That’s what we do at POD Project. We bring you back to your roots.

Nothing is as lush as summers. Nothing is as beautiful as spring. Nothing is as charming as winter. And you deserve to experience these authentic elements of nature undisturbed, with the POD Project.

Taking the Initiative

The dreadful Covid pandemic taught us all the importance of maintaining a proper work-life balance and things slowly going back to normal is no excuse to let go of that lesson. Let natural resources surround you with abundance like you’ve never experienced before, with the POD Project.

It’s not just about living amongst the bugs and the bees.

Our mission is to move the world forward towards a sustainable life that is as kind to the environment as it is rejuvenating for the soul. Decades might be passing by but we remain as we were, stuck in the past. Too afraid to join hands with the only future that’s worth living. A future where we are as connected to nature as is modernly possible

A POD house can be your path to connect with yourself.

Go hide away from the world, into the woods, into the hills, by the bank of a river and rediscover the depths of your being. A little sanctuary of your own can go a long way for your mental, physical, and emotional well-being.

Do Your Bit.

When push came to shove with the pandemic in 2020, the whole world was reminded of the necessity to create some sort of sanctuary away from the hustle and the chase of the brave, new world. This is your chance to carry that lesson forward, for the sake of your own well-being.

Do it Right. 

Why a pod house? Why not a camp? Or maybe just a hammock? The answer lies in the need for something to surround yourself with and call it your own. With an off-the-grid timber home, you are in charge and have complete liberty over your leisure instead of leaving to the rain and the wind.

Do it Now.

With more and more people now becoming acutely aware of the necessity to shift towards sustainable building materials, the time to act is now. Create an impact on the earth while immersing yourself into a truly luxurious experience that only an A-frame home built with sustainably sourced timber can provide.

Why POD Project?

It’s not just a house. It’s a retreat.

The POD Project was formed out of a desire to dispel the myths surrounding the use of timber in construction and educating people because wood is the future of building materials. It’s slowly replacing all the sticks and stones, creating a better and more sustainably built environment.

Think of something straight out of an artwork because that’s what a pod house looks like in real life! …Read More

Spending some time amidst greenery, in a house built with wood is scientifically proven to help your kids get in touch with their creative side … Read More

You can have your pod house designed just the way you want, whatever size you want it in. … Read More

The time taken to build a prefabricated pod house depends largely on the size. … Read More

The interior of your pod house is a carefully designed medley of shapes and volume. … Read More

Double height ceilings add a dramatic effect to your interior but also gives it depth. … Read More

An A-Frame house inspires creative solutions so that any homeowner can create a design that suits their needs the best. … Read More

Let’s clear one thing first and foremost – when you decide to choose us for your Pod House, you ensure complete assistance, from construction to the handover of your building. … Read More

Your Pod House designed to maintain a steady influx of natural light so you can wake up to the warmth of the sun … Read More

These beautiful houses have a life expectancy that exceeds even up to 80 years. … Read More

Yes! Need a room for the kids? Maybe you need some extra space to act as a recreational part of the house. … Read More

A timber frame acts as a buffer in the living space, slowing down temperature swings and reducing heating and cooling costs. … Read More

Discover our Products

Befriending Wood

Build With Wood. Just three words. But they pack more importance than you realize. From fragrant eucalyptus to the mighty oaks, timber has the power to alter your daily life for the better. And the change is evident from the moment you make the decision itself. Better acoustics, thermal insulation, and aesthetics are just the physical part of the package, the hook to get you interested!

Timber’s true value lies in its conception. Wood has been around for longer than we humans have. And with our persistent efforts, it will hopefully be around till after we are gone. So its importance in our lives cannot be belittled. Hold a piece of wood in your hand and you instantly feel more connected, grounded. In this way, wood heals us at a root level, while providing all the luxury that modern architecture has yet been able to innovate, just at a much more sustainable and in a far gentler way than concrete ever could.

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