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  Introducing      True Sustainability

Carving Out Excellence

A human’s affinity to wood goes way back. It must be as old as time itself. It’s only natural, then, to surround our modern life with as much timber as possible. That’s what we aim for. 

Pod Project exists to give you unreserved access to nature without breaking contact with your modern busy lifestyle.

Who We Are

At Pod, we put our faith in nature, wholeheartedly. It sings through timber, beckoning us towards a more sustainable and greener future. A time when people won’t be afraid to view wood as their preferred building material and fall in love with it. We’re obsessively passionate about it, and our mission is to inspire as many people as we can to walk on this woody path. Literally.

The world is shifting with every passing minute. And we must shift with it, adapt to greener resources and shed our old, concrete ways. It’s not just a question of a stroll in the park anymore. It’s a question of sustainable survival, of building homes that are alive with the soul of nature, instead of covering our heads with sticks and bricks. We are happy to know that we are not alone in this vision and we see that as an opportunity to simplify and beautify natural living for everyone with our POD Homes

What We Do

The dreadful Covid pandemic taught us the importance of maintaining a proper work-life balance. A lack of connection with nature and denying ourselves the chance to unwind and take care of ourselves led us all into a health crisis. It shook us from the ground up and challenged our existing beliefs and way of life. Harsh indeed, but it was the wake-up call we needed in order to go back to nature.

And things slowly going back to normal is no excuse to let go of that lesson. Let natural resources surround you with abundance like you’ve never experienced before, with POD homes. A POD home can be your path to connect with yourself. Go hide away from the world, into the woods, into the hills, by the bank of a river and rediscover the depths of your being. A little sanctuary of your own can go a long way for your mental, physical, and emotional well-being

Our Values


We are headstrong where the future of our environment is concerned.


An honest, clean, and green approach to building.


In giving back to nature, we learn how to nurture it properly.


Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.

There is a glitch in the thought system today that’s all about permanence and convenience, even if it comes at the price of all that we hold dear. Our environment needs us almost as badly as we need it. The closer we are to nature and its resources, the better equipped we will be to face the upcoming challenges. POD Project aims to crush those barriers that keep us from embracing a more grounded lifestyle. Just because it’s not being done as popularly yet doesn’t mean you can’t either. If anything, that only creates a more urgent need for action. Let a touch of timber in your home be the necessary first step in a more wholesome direction.

Nirbhay Sohal

20 years and a multi-generational architectural business later, today I stand here in the 21st century with an all-consuming vision before my eyes – of doing my bit to move the world forward toward a more sustainable future. And sustainability, in my book, begins with being as intimately close to nature as the modern world allows.

2020 was a year of revelations and realisations. And for me, it fired up the fiercely independent spirit to bridge the ever-increasing gap in the construction industry with the use of environment-loving materials. The challenge is to build homes that are aesthetically pleasing, and innovative while being kind to nature. And with the POD Project, I aim to target that need and rise above the challenges, as a team.

‘’It’s a brave, new world that we are headed towards and timber is an essential part of it. People are beginning to see it, embrace it, and fall in love with the idea of it. And it’s our duty to encourage them towards this essential path of sustainability.’’

Ranjit Dhody

In my 25 years of experience with all things wood, I identified a deep-rooted apprehension against wood as a building material, especially in India. And having worked in and around timber as intensely as I have in a multi-generational business, I saw this as a challenge rather than something to despair over. Now, I wanted to infiltrate those skeptical thoughts that people have about wood and replace them with a love of timber. That’s what’s at the very heart of the POD Project.

With the ever-growing need for second homes whether it’s for rentals, for a calming retreat or just to explore the natural marvels tucked away in far-off locations, it gave us a chance to explore these opportunities previously untapped. With the means of the POD Project, I want to share my vision with you in the hopes that you’ll fall in love with wood just as dearly as I have.

‘’Sustainability is not just a choice, it’s a lifestyle. And with the world shifting miles a minute, there’s no time to lose. We must pull together to create as big an impact as we can, for the sake of the future of this beautiful, beautiful world.’’

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